New/Edit address
Personal or company name |
Name line in the address. |
Address lines |
Address line 1 and address line 2. |
City |
Customer's city. |
ZIP code |
Zip/postal code. |
Country |
Customer's main country and state. |
Phone number |
Phone number. |
Enabled |
Indicates if the address should be offered to the client. If you set it to disabled, it will no longer be displayed, but it will be kept in the database for your records and to keep customer's purchase history. |
Use as shipping address |
Indicates if the address should be offered to a customer as a shipping address. |
Use as billing address |
Indicates if the address should be offered to a customer as a billing address. |
Use as company address |
Indicates if the address should be offered to a customer as a company address. |